5 Top Tips for a Happy & Healthy Lockdown
Even though Trump is out and the vaccination schedule is picking up a pace, the reality of a third lockdown is affecting us all, in many different ways.
According to the experts at 87%, levels of loneliness and a sense of isolation have risen by 15% since March, with data showing that anxiety, fatigue and isolation are more of an issue now, than they were during the first wave of the pandemic
Unlike the first lockdown, the shorter days and inclement weather certainly has a role to play in dampening our moods. So, feeling the need to set our own intentions, we have put together our top five tips for boosting your mental and physical wellbeing.
If you have more tips to share, please add them in comments below.
#1 - Accept and make plans
Although a return to lockdown is not everyone’s top favourite way to spend November, this time around the restrictions are less severe.
Research shows that ranting and raving against reality is shown to hamper our ability to reduce levels of stress and anxiety and leaves people feeling increasingly frustrated and bitter.
So as unhappy as we may feel about a lengthening lockdown, accepting and making plans seems like a healthier option. With the government’s restrictions allowing for two people from different households to meet and exercise outside, why not schedule a regular walk, cycle, run, park Yoga with a friend or loved one. Not only will the fresh air and exercise endorphins do wonders for your body and soul, but who knows, this lockdown could prove to be your most active yet! Our sister studio @bathyogastudio has a wonderful range of online workshops and classes if you don’t fancy braving the rain. Check them out here
#2 - You are what you eat
With rivers of rain running down windows and the central heating fogging up the outside world, it’s easy to reach for hearty comfort food.
Be it stodgy stews, meat-heavy pies or gradually working your way through the secret Halloween sweetie hoard, your body, skin and mood will soon pay the price.
With many more of us working from home, it’s not just the piles of laundry and leftover DIY that’s getting done, now is the chance to experiment with new tastes and recipes, without a passé sourdough starter in sight!
So here’s our list of mood enhancing superfoods to get you through:
Bananas: Bursting with vitamin B6, natural sugar, and fibre - which work together to keep your blood sugar levels and mood stable - bananas are bound to turn that frown upside down.
Oats: Don’t get hangry; oats are packed full of iron and fibre which helps stave off hunger pangs, stabilise your blood sugar levels and boost your mood.
Dark Chocolate: YES PLEASE! Rich in compounds that boost the happy hormones in your body, there’s no reason to feel guilty for indulging in one or two squares.
Berries: Eating more fruit and veg is linked to lower rates of depression. Berries are rich in disease-fighting anthocyanins, which specifically work to lower the risk of depression.
Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts, as well as pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds, are excellent sources of tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for producing mood-boosting serotonin.
Coffee: PHEW! Not only does caffeine increase the release of happy hormone transmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, but the caffeine in coffee prevents a naturally occurring compound called adenosine from attaching to brain receptors that promote tiredness, therefore increasing alertness and attention.
Wow, anyone else feeling a smoothie combination of all of these superfoods coming on!?
Oh, and if you don’t have time after non stop Zoom meetings, we’ve just come across Field Doctor; a Somerset based, nutritious plant-based meals company. Worth a follow we reckon.
#3 Share the love
It’s a simple one, but being kind to others has a powerful ripple effect and with tensions running high, a bit of kindness goes a long way.
If you have the time, check out what you can do locally to help others. If you’re not sure where to start, we love local community investment platform Neighbourly, who have come up with a list of 15 ways to help out in your community.
It doesn’t have to cost the earth; a smile, a delivery, a bit of gardening or baking, offering your driveway up to NHS workers or donating to food banks, these are all simple ways to help others and boost your own sense of purpose and wellbeing.
#4 - Get on the mat
If you’re reading our blog, you’re probably already well aware of the mood enhancing benefits of Yoga, so if you’re feeling a little down, here’s our TOP FIVE ASANAS to boost your happy hormones.
Tree Pose
Happy Baby Pose
Ananda Balasana
Bow Pose
Fish Pose
Supported shoulder stand
Salamba Sarvangasana
#5 - Breathe
It’s so easy to whizz from one task to the next, one dilemma to another, one person’s need to the next, but what if - in between all these decisions and deadlines - we stopped, took a moment and used the space of a deep breath to decompress?
Practised regularly, would we be so quick to reach for the comfort food, alcohol, stay up so late or put up with toxic relationships?
By breathing deeply and drawing focus to the tension in our bodies and the whirlwind raging in our minds, we are not only benefiting from fresh oxygen, but bringing awareness to our levels of happiness.
If you take just one of our five tips to heart, take this one. Give yourself the gift of self care and take a breath.