Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is a summation and declaration of acceptable, ethical, and professional behaviour by which you agree to conduct the teaching and business of Yoga. As a registrant on an Academy for Yoga Training course, I agree to uphold the following ethical principles:
Personal Conduct
I will:
conduct myself in a professional and conscientious manner. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that my practices and behaviour conform to the representations I make about myself in holding myself as a yoga practitioner.
acknowledge the limitations of my skills and scope of practice, only offering classes to the level I am competent to deliver. Where appropriate, I will refer students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment or direction.
adhere to the traditional yoga principles as written in the Yamas and Niyamas.
uphold the standards of the teachings I have been given, to maintain and promote the good name of yoga at all times.
Physical Wellbeing
I understand that:
I am solely responsible for my body and my practice.
I should not experience physical pain in any pose. If I do, I am aware that I should gently come out of the pose to avoid injury, or rest and an alternative pose can be given.
AFYT takes no responsibility for any physical, psychological or emotional injury as a result of opening up to the process of becoming a yoga teacher, on my learning journey.
I should seek professional medical help in the event that I experience any deeper physical, psychological or emotional challenges in attending this course.
Treatment of Others
I will:
encourage diversity by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, sex, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
respect the rights, dignity and privacy of all students.
avoid words and actions that constitute harassment of any type.
behave and speak with respect to everyone, ensuring my actions do not offend others.
listen with intent to others, without interruption: everyone is allowed their opinion equally.
not judge or make assumptions about anyone: everyone has their story.
not attempt to medically or psychologically diagnose a student’s condition, even if asked for my professional opinion.
respect my teachers: they have given their knowledge freely and should be treated accordingly.
not engage in a personal relationship with one of my students that takes advantage of my professional position as a teacher. If anything starts to develop, I will respectfully find the student another teacher immediately.
seek the permission of anyone I wish to take pictures or videos of whilst on the course. I will confirm they are happy for these to be used on a website or on social media before using them.
Course Attendance
I will:
ensure good time-keeping, arriving on time for the start of the course each day and returning from breaks at the allocated time.
attend 100% of the course contact hours, unless there is an exceptional circumstance. I understand that in that case alternative arrangements will need to be made with Diane Lee, Course Director, in order for contact hours to be completed.
comply with the conditions and requirements as set out in the course curriculum, and accept that failure to do so will disqualify me from any accreditation.
complete and meet assignment and practical assessment deadlines, ensuring all work produced is my own work. I will give reference to any resources used to help complete my written work.
seek help, if needed, at any time during the course.
treat all course property and equipment within the yoga studio with respect.
follow the health and safety guidelines of the studio and the teacher training course at all times.
Practical Considerations
I will:
work to create and maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment for the practice of yoga.
show respect to the environment within the studio buildings and outside.
dress appropriately, wearing clothes that allow for full movement in the practical aspects of the course.
keep my mobile phone off, or on silent.
follow all local government and national laws that pertain to my yoga teaching and business.
I accept that failure to follow any aspect of this Code of Conduct may lead to the annulment of any accreditation obtained from the Academy for Yoga Training course.