Want to know what it's really like to train with us?
From taking the plunge and changing career paths to life after training, our graduate Julie Hegarty tells us what it’s really like to train at our Academy.
What makes you have a proper belly laugh?
Tim, Henry, my brother, friends and Frasier. I like laughing a lot.
What drives you?
What do you love?
All the men in my life and my family, my dear friends and Yoga.
What do you dislike?
Dishonesty, hypocrisy and selfishness.
What is your guilty pleasure?
A crisp sandwich!
Why and when did you decide to train as a yoga teacher/trainer?
It was in the Spring of 2017 and within a matter of weeks, I had lost my mother and been made redundant from my accounting job. I heard that Diane was starting a new Academy for Yoga Teacher Training and I decided then and there that I was going to use my redundancy money to pay for the training.
Why did you choose the AFYT?
It was an easy choice for me. I only started Yoga in 2012 when I moved to Bath, and I found Diane’s classes. I went once a week and was totally hooked. Diane is the best teacher I know, so I was thrilled to be accepted onto the course.
What did you think of your training with the Academy?
It was pretty intense at times as there is so much to learn and take in when you are training. The standards are so high with the Academy so the training was very thorough.
What did you enjoy most about your training?
I enjoyed the challenge that it presented but most of all I loved learning. I had not realised how much went into training and so I got completely absorbed. I really enjoyed observing myself change and grow through the process too.
What did you find the most challenging?
I think like most people I knew there were some poses I just could not do before training and there are still some today that I struggle with. So I think it was learning the patience and dropping the ego a bit to allow myself to naturally go with what was right for me. In so doing, I could then merge it into my teaching in a careful way, whilst always being mindful of differentiating my classes for students of all levels of Yoga.
How did you find the assessment process?
It was tough. I didn’t pass my first assessment which I didn’t expect, but I knew why. When I had a chance to reflect, I realised the Academy only wanted the best from me and I had not delivered, so it really taught me a huge lesson. When it comes to teaching Yoga, you have to be in your body and I was not on the day. I came back with a new attitude and really enjoyed it the second time around.
What have you gone on to do since graduating?
I have been very fortunate to be able to teach since graduating in 2018. I teach a few private clients, teach in a few studios and at Bath Spa University. I applied to be a cover teacher at the Academy’s sister studio Bath Yoga Studio and started by doing a 6-week Beginners Yoga Course. With Diane being hugely encouraging and supportive, it gave me the opportunity to expand this and so I offered some other classes on the timetable. Both Diane and Kara encouraged me to start teaching straight away and have been hugely supportive.
How does AFYT positively impact the community?
It is fantastic to have such a professional Academy here in Bath making training accessible to so many people and bringing the benefits and joy of Yoga into the lives of so many.
What is your favourite style of Yoga?
I like most styles but I am trained in Hatha and Yin. I do like Prana Flow too though and I like a practice to be a little more dynamic if doing Hatha, but I am also quite happy to slow it down a bit with Yin or Restorative. I think your body needs a contrast.
What aspirations do you have for your Yoga students?
I want them to feel it. Learn to read their bodies and connect to themselves.
Why are you accredited with Yoga Alliance Professionals?
YAP are very professional. They require you to keep up with continuous learning and development as well as recording teaching hours to make sure all Yoga teachers enrolled with them are up to date and well equipped to deliver Yoga to YAP’s highest standards.
What classes do you teach at Bath Yoga Studio and elsewhere?
I teach a 30-minute class every morning at BYS along with a 45-minute lunchtime class and three 60-minute Dynamic/Hatha classes. I also teach Yin at another studio and I teach the students at Bath Spa University Yoga Society.
Which charities do you support and why?
I support Crohns & Collitis UK as I have Crohns disease. I also support the RNLI as they are so brave and I like to support local hospices and charities too.
What have your learned from the pandemic?
People are different. Opinions change. Stop listening to the news. Family and friends are vital for your mental health, oh and how to use Zoom!
What have you learned about yourself due to the pandemic?
You can allow yourself to dream and life is too short to sit and wait for things to happen. Make a difference to your life today and trust that the Universe will guide you, even if it leads you to a path you have not prepared for.
Who inspires you?
My husband and my boys who have helped me to reach my goals.
Diane and Kara for believing in me and showing me that there are really good people in the world.
My late Mum for teaching me how to be strong.
The lovely Yogis that come to my classes and continue to give me inspiration.
What is the hardest lesson you have had to learn?
Losing everything and building it back up again and trusting the right people. You will be OK if you don’t throw away the tools and learn to trust your instincts.
What makes you proud?
My three boys, Hugh, William and Henry. Also my achievements in life so far. Nothing is easy and I have worked hard at everything that I do, and so I am proud of that.
What is your favourite music?
All the home made stuff that goes on in my house.
What is your favourite film?
I have seen it too many times now but it has to be Love Actually.
What is your favourite asana?
I love Tadasana (Mountain Pose) I call it the MRI of your practice. I also love Camatkarasana (Wild Thing!) It feels so good.
What is your favourite food?
Cheese on toast is my comfort food, but I like spicy (aromatic spices) Asian food.
What food do you most dislike?
White sliced bread and margarine.
Favourite item of clothing?
Don’t go there with my wardrobe! - Diane Von Furstenberg long blue dress.....I think?
Favourite Yoga outfit?
My velvet SB leggings
Favourite hobby?
Cooking and painting if I have time for the latter.
Share a lesser known fact about you.
I am a published Children’s Author.